Note:This is from my personal experience and opinion. This is merely a warning for all those who chose to follow it, I hope you'll heed them well :) I plan on reviewing all traders who do dealings with me. If I have left you out and you want to be placed on here, please e-mail me.
This is the section of my page where I give the low-down on the good traders, the bad ones and the down right ugly peoples. I've either conversed with them through e-mails or dealt with them as well, I'll specify in my blurbs what's what. It's my opinion, and if you don't like it, go make your own traders page ;)
- This person has annoyed/infuriated me.
- Childish, immature and generally a waste of time.
- This trader is actually quite good.
- Basic trader, not bad at all.
Name: Jennifer

Comments: Can we say 24/7 PMS? This girl's got a 'tude to last her the rest of her life. God help the poor soul who happens to cross her during that time of month, if she's like this regularly. Whew. I bought from her a while back, and all I got was an attitude and problems. Her tapes are iffy, the quality is hit and miss, not to mention, some of her tapes are actual commerical subs that are pirated, along with the commericially released fansub titles she distributes. I believe she is socially challenged for she vented upon me when I was trying to make simple conversation, telling me that I was wasting her time. A little tip if you decide to trade or buy from this girl, make sure you only give her the facts and a few days before you're planning to pay her or trade, because otherwise you'll be wasting her time. I recently messaged her, to see if perhaps the time I bought from her was a bad time in her life (everyone has them) but either I have horrible luck or she's like this all the time (I believe the latter for I have talked to others whose had the same problem with her), because I was greeted with the same hostility as I was a while back. She started to demand hotly that I send someone their tapes immediately because *she* was promised the tapes from *him* a year ago, when *he* had only ordered a little while back (whom which she also warned up to 90% on AIM for no apparent reason)..., and she called me a spoiled brat who thought the world revolved around myself? :) Heh, yeah..., right. I've never had so many problems with a distributor before. Personally, I think you're taking a chance if you do deals with her, while she has never ripped me in my only order from her, she *did* give me a hassle when returning a tape when it broke. I don't think she's worth giving the time of day to, there's a lot better traders that have a lot better dispositions, who reply to e-mails faster, charge less and give guaranteed better quality fansub-only tapes ;)
Name: Sachi's Distributions

Comments: I have never bought or traded with Sachi, but I wasn't impressed with her rules. I don't care much for people who like to set restrictions upon those who don't live in America. Don't get me wrong, the USA is a great place, but so are other countries. Why does everyone always get the bumsrush if they don't live in the ALMIGHTY USA!? She sets certain restrictions that International orders can only be in sets of 3 or 6. I'm sorry to burst your bubble dear, but maybe people don't want 3 tapes? Like my situation, I only wanted one Hana Yori Dango tape, but I found someone else who offered a lot more, for a lot less, without restrictions ;) It's all good if you live in the USA, like ordering from fansubbers, or can deal with 3-6 tape increments. I still believe there could be another option (a bit more expensive perhaps than the USA single tape?) to compensate those who don't *want* more than one tape. But what do I know? I'm just a lowly otaku who believes in anime being accessible at low cost for all :)
Name: Anime Time Warp Distro
Comments: Only traded once, but he's a good trader. Some of his tapes might be pirates, but he'd probably let you know because he's intelligent and can figure out what is and what isn't, unlike some people I know :) He's very patient and kind :)