Wai! I finally scanned in some of my artwork AND I have some submissions! :)


Requests: Yeah, if I feel like 'em though. Tip me and I'll definitely do them :)
E-mail: akugigrrl@hotmail.com
Please do NOT take the artwork found here, without my permission. I will find you, the net isn't that big, and don't think I won't penalize you for it.

Happy Valentine's Day - computer enhanced version - The name says it all :)

Happy Valentine's Day - original version - The name says it all :)

Wai! Duo-kun! - A five minute sketch with a purple Hello Kitty pen of a shirtless, braid unravelled Duo. Could also be taken for a braid unravelled Nuriko, whichever suits your fancy.

My oil painting of Duo-neko! - If anyone takes this, I *WILL* flip. It took me several days to do this... during the summer of 2000, I was bored :) I have a Wufei one, it's not as good, but maybe I'll get around to uploading that someday too? :)